At Long Last--The Truth Revealed

For some time now, I've suspected that Ms. Corabeth Walton Godsey is not who she claims to be. At first, it was just a feeling. But now, I have compelling evidence to support my theory:

Corabeth + Margaret Mead =
Same Person!!!

Before you scoff, let me offer my reasoning.
  1. It is apparent that Corabeth is more than just the wife of a simple country grocer. Her education, vocabulary, and attitudes more than exceed those of a simple country girl. Also, while she claims at one point that Doe Hill doesn't have a restaurant as fancy as the Versaille Restaurant, we later learn of Doe Hill Academy, a highly-acclaimed private girls boarding school. She also mentions a sister in one episode, who shows up later with a completely different name. The inconsistencies in her background seem to suggest that Corabeth's story, or should we say alias, is lacking in complete authenticity.
  2. We have never once seen Corabeth and Margaret Mead in the same episode. Coincidence? Maybe. But if they were the same person, it would be impossible to place them side by side. Gets you thinking, doesn't it?
  3. In an early episode, Corabeth quoted Mead's signature work, 'Coming of Age in Samoa.' Would a simple country grocer's wife quote such an erudite work of anthropology? I think not.
  4. In her dealings with the indigenous life on Walton's Mountain, Corabeth is simultaneously aloof and infinitely curious. While she never truly becomes one of the mountain people, she is constantly gathering data on their social, mating, religious, and economic activities. One could easily assume that Corabeth is systematically documenting the social structure of Walton's Mountain.
  5. Finally, in her recent conversation with the new reverend about the Baptists on Walton's Mountain, Corabeth is quoted as saying, 'I have lived among them, and I know their ways.' Who else but a sharp-eyed anthropologist would say such a thing?
With such compelling evidence, how can we possibly come to any other conclusion than this--Corabeth IS Margaret Mead! There. I feel so much better, now that I've revealed this long-held secret. Thank you for your time.