Phantom of The Opera Magazine Issue V
Cover of Issue V |
Want to own the BIGGEST magazine about Phantom of The Opera that exists? Then read on! Issue V will be the largest issue ever produced, and will includemore than 215 pages.
What will it include?
Interviews with:
Karrie takes a moment to rest |
- Peter Cousens
- Peter Karrie: An article about meeting Peter Karrie backstage
- Peter Karrie: straight interview
- Glyn Kerslake
- Danielle Everett
- Sandra Joseph
- Carla Nicholson
- Ian Jon Bourg
- Dodie Pettit
- Michael Nicholson & Vale Rideout (German Phantom & Raoul)
Michal and Carla Nicholson |
Landmark Events:
- Toronto 9th
- Musicaltagen in Germany
- Phantastic Memories (Retirement of Janos Kurucz UK's original Joseph Buquet - written by him)
- Phantom 2000: Franc D'Ambrosio & Davis Gaines hit 2000
- performances
- Andrew Lloyd Webber: The Royal Albert Hall Celebration
Behind the Scenes: A Look Backstage at the Neue Flora Theatre
Carlotta changing for "Il Muto" |
Looking Back:
- A Temple of Song (About the Paris Opera: written 1875)
- Was the Phantom Real? (Historical Documentation proving
that a good deal of Phantom was based on fact: includes info. From Patrick Leroux (of the Gaston Leroux estate) and a bibliography of articles & geneological charts that ANYONE can look up and verify for themselves)
- The Art of Song (written 1904 by Adelina Patti, the "real" Carlotta with some interesting "comments" about the "real" Christine Daae.
- The Little Wayside Singer (written in 1903 by the Countess von Boos who met the "real" Christine Daae & her Dad on the road)
Evolution of a Fandom:
- Similarities Between the Phantom & Acknowledged Relgious Figures
- The Church of Erik
Travel: |
Fox and Phantom's Lair Restaurant |
- Jeff Wong's Phantom Tour of the English-Speaking World
- Erik in the UK - with info on the London production AND Peter Karrie's Phantom restaurant in Wales
- The Phantom of the Circustheater
- A Phantom Cruise: North Sea Ferries
- Witch's Dungeon Horror Museum
Collector's Guide: The following include info not only about each item but
also the "guide to acquisition" i.e. how/where to purchase each item.
Phantom Art (With articles about AND reproduced artwork (w/permission)
- INTERVIEW: Etienne Only (lead singer of the group Mask Attack)
- CD GUIDE: A listing of all known Phantom CDs (total 72) with
22 of them actually reviewed and 22 album
covers featured + info on where to buy. Included
are the following categories:
- ALW Phantom Cast Albums
- ALW Phantom Compilations
- ALW Phantom Performed by Others
Box Five at Stage 28 |
- ALW Phantom Karaoke
- Other Non-ALW Versions
- Solo Albums by Phantom Actors
- Lost in the Translation: Gaston Leroux's Original Phantom
Novel and What the Translators Have Done to It
- Batman Masque (review & artwork samples used w/permission)
THE OPERA: The Original 1925 Shooting Script
- The Phantom Bookshelf: A listing of all known Phantom books (total
145) with 53 actually reviewed/described. Info on where to buy.
Included are the following categories:
- Anthologies
The cover of "Largo" |
- Biographies
- Children's Versions
- Comic Books
- Fantasy
- General Fiction
- Newsletters/Magazine
- Phantom-Related Reference
- Romance
- Scripts/Librettos
- Sequels
- Short Stories/Poetry
- Similar to POTO
- The Michael Crawford Phantom Movie Campaign
- The Great Movie Debate Wrap-up
- The Making of the 1943 Phantom of the Opera
- The Phantom Set (with some rare, never before published photos!)
- The Nexus Movie Guide: A listing of all known Phantom films (total
22 actually Phantom. plus 3 spoofs/cameos/tributes, plus 16
"similar to") with all actually reviewed/described. Info on where to buy.
A listing of all known TV programs that are actual PHANTOM
versions, or else include Phantom cameos/tributes/spoofs
of some sort... haven't completely counted them, but there
are over 22. Includes review/description for nearly all.
- Interview with Andrea Messich (Kopit/Yeston Christine)
- A listing of all known Phantom theatrical versions including reviews/descriptions
of all but a few of them + information on how to purchase
memorabilia, etc. for each.
Websites: An incomplete listing of some of the most notable Phantom
sites presently on-line (with the exception of anything
that's been reviewed in previous issues).
- Including articles & photos of fans who do outstanding things as a result of their love of Phantom.
- Including a list of all known Phantom clubs
- Including the letters Forum
- Including some phan poetry
- Phantom Fan Survey
Back Page: The usual classified ads & such.

Additional Information:
There are NO duplicates. What that means is, any books, films, CDs or
whatever that were reviewed in previous issues are NOT reviewed again here,
though they ARE included in the master list (set up as a check list) so
that phans will finally have a list of all Phantom books, CDs, videos, etc.
in one place.
The cover for the millennium issue will be glossy and in color with artwork
kindly donated by Bradley Parrish (whose works hang in the Vatican, the
Statue of Liberty monument and the Smithsonian Museum).
There are a total (rough estimate) of 334 interior illustrations including:
Artwork Reproduced: 66
Book Covers Reproduced: 37
CD Covers Reproduced: 44
Video Covers Reproduced: 29
Program Cover Reproduced: 1
Professionally drawn map/diagram of the ALW POTO Stage: 1
Phantom Menu from Peter Karrie's Restaurant: 1
155 actual photographs (out of these the vast majority are professionally taken and include:
- 38 offical ALW POTO press kit photos
- 17 authorized backstage photos (sets, props, technical crew in action
costumes/costume changes onstage
- More backstage photos by fans at various Phantom functions including
the Toronto 9th, German Musicaltage, Kurucz retirement (w/
special 3-tiered Phantom cake)
- Photos INSIDE stage 28 (Chaney POTO Film) today and long ago
including several never before published photos donated
to the magazine by the Witch's Dungeon Horror Museum's
private collection.
- ...and miscellaneous other goodies.

Now where can you get one? E-mail Carrie Hernandez at ay598@lafn.org and ask to be placed on the Issue V Mailing List. This page will also be updated when more details are known, as well as the official Issue V page at: http://members.tripod.com/~guide/poiss005.htm. The magazine should be out before April, but it could change.
This is a magazine NOT to be missed! The depth of information is incredible and will not be reproduced ANYWHERE.

Image Copyright information:
Cover of Issue V: Love's Pursuit Copyright 1993 by Bradley J. Parrish. All rights reserved.
Karrie takes a moment to rest: Photo Copyright 1997 by Paul Clemens. All rights
Michal and Carla Nicholson: Photo Courtesy of Carin Klabbers and Musical Friends Magazine. Copyright 1998
by Stella Musical management GMbH. All rights reserved.
Carlotta changing for "Il Muto": Photo Courtesy of Carin Klabbers and Musical Friends Magazine. Copyright 1998
by Stella Musical management GMbH. All rights reserved.
Fox and Phantom's Lair Restaurant: Legal Info: Photo Copyright 1998 by Paul Clemens. All rights reserved.
Box Five at Stage 28: Photograph by Cortlandt Hull, from the archives
of the Witch's Dungeon Horror Museum. Copyright 1925 by Universal Studios, Inc. Courtesy of MCA Publishing Rights, a division of Universal Studios, Inc. All rights reserved.
The cover of "Largo": Copyright 1993 by Momoko Nagano. All rights