Although I am female, I'd love also to play a few "trouser roles" (like when Christine played Siebel) such as any one of the managers or The Persian.
Madame Giry would be another choice.
Too bad I'm no performer and I can't sing worth a poop. Not even my beloved Erik could help this voice of mine....(yowsers, I think I am now a blaspheming heretic for that one)
My reasons. Well in Leroux she is a real person. She has a history that would be concidered abnormal today, but seemed wonderful for her. She had belief in all that her father said, yet he told her tales that weren't true. Her belief in those tales and her father led her to be manipulated by Erik, whatever his intentions were, this is what he did. When she realises her what she believed in was false, she didn't crumble, she had moments of fear and horror. But she never snapped and retaliated against Erik or her father. Mind you, she doesn't say much about the latter afterwards... Even though she is completely alone, the three people she could have relied upon are of no help: Erik will kill Raoul if she and he get too close, Mamma Valerius is old and needs caring for, and still believes in the tales of Daddy Daae. She felt deeply, and was lost in a game she could get herself out of because it was run by someone else and begun many years before. She tried to keep everyone happy, and prevent a disaster, but failed. The game of engagement was supposed to end, and she'd keep Erik from a rage. In fact, he was part of it, it was he who had the rule of them only being together at the Opera. Raoul was supposed to leave after a month and she hoped his feelings wouldn't run so deep as to change the plans. In the end she found the strength to overcome her horror and give up herself to save Raoul, the Persian, the Opera patrons, and most importantly Erik. A remarkable female character written by a man of the pre war era. Somewhat more believable than recently written characters. For the musical, the same character, even though her story is over simplified, it would be a good challenge as an actress/singer to get her to come alive.
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