How has "Phantom of the Opera" (all versions) affected your life?
The Phantom has affected my life greatly. Firstly, the musical brought be back to my love of Musical Theatre which I had lost for many years. With its spine-tingling melodies - what is there not to love? The book also brought me back to reading and I thoroughly enjoyed it. The one thing I have begun to wonder these days is whether or not there is an Angel of Music. If anyone has any other views on this then please e-mail me and share your thoughts.
Jeanette Birt:
Having first seen Andrew Lloyd Webber's wonderful musical "The Phantom of
the Opera" in 1987, since then I have truly loved Erik and in doing so, I
hope it has made me more understanding of the frailties of human nature and
how we can help each other. Because of Erik I have made many good friends,
travelled to other countries and seen more of the world, and enjoyed
wonderful times and experience with other phans. Apart from my daughter,
Erik the Phantom is the dearest and most beloved person in my life.
I can honestly say that I was so emotionally moved at my first
performance, that I was weak by the time the show was over. I had been
searching for a way to put everything on hold, and the POTO music was my
cure. I do volunteer work for children who are profoundly and severly
retarded, and when I would leave there, I would be wired hours afterward.
POTO showed me what I always knew, that there is beauty in everything. Many
of the children looked monsterous because of what the seizure medicine does
to them. People thought of Erik as hideous, but he is the most beautiful man
I have ever seen. True beauty is in the eye of the beholder, POTO has taught
me how to let the music set me free. When I play the tape on the way home, I
am there, in the labyrinth, with Erik. It is the best thing that could have
happened to me. I only wish it were all real, it is the ultimate escape.
My name is Mallory and I am 13. I went to see the Phantom of the Opera
on Broadway in August 2000. When I saw it I was amazed! I couldn't wait to
start working on the music, because I plan to be on Broadway when I get
older. It took a while but I finally got the music and I was exstatic, but I
wanted the sheet music. So I ordered it and it came soon after, ever since
then I have been working every single day on it after school. When I started
learning it my grades went way up, and now I have straight A's! I now have
every song down to a science and I am going to sing 'Think of Me' at my school,
Caravels spring Fine Arts Festival. I am also a Cantor for my parish. 'The
Phantom of the Opera' really inspired me to do what I really love to do and
that's sing and act. It has also helped me do better in school. I hope you
see why I absolutely love the Phantom of the Opera.
Christi V./LadyCDaae:
Well, to begin with I'm several hundred dollars poorer than I would be
otherwise :-). Seriously, though, every time I have that instinctive initial
reaction to somebody, (particularly if it's negative), remembering the story
helps me stand back from that first impression and remember that who we are
is not how we look or even how we behave, but what's in our hearts that only
a rare few people are allowed to see.
Beth Stiner:
I first saw the cartoon version of POTO when I was eight. For the rest of my childhood, a child-version of Erik was my imaginary playmate, feeding my naturally over-active imagination and musical "bend." However, it wasn't until I was in 5th grade, and my band played a medley of Webber's POTO that I truely became a Phantom Phanatic. I gathered everything I could find connected to POTO to me, drove my family nuts w/ 24-7 playings of Webber's musical, and got kicked out of class a couple of times for reading Leroux's novel instead of heeding the lesson!
Jr. High started a battle between everyone and me over my singing voice: I was certain that I had the potential to be a professional vocalist--everyone else told me I hadn't a chance. So, I turned to Phantom. I listened to warm-ups from Yeston and Kopit's Phantom and the movie, Rigoletto; and sang along with Sarah Brightman, gradually increasing my range and tonal quality. POTO, especially our beloved Erik, also influenced my stories and art, influencing everything I wrote or made.
With God's guidance and Phantom's influence and motivation, I developed my musical and artistic abilities to a point no one could deny. By my sophomore year of high school, I had defeated the top vocalist in my area in a music competition. I won a number of other competitions, often singing songs from one Phantom musical or another, or one of my own POTO-inspired pieces. I finished my high school career by singing at my graduation (the musical equivolanent of valedictorian). I am now a junior commercial music major at Millikin University (I got in by singing "Music of the Night"), and am looking forward to singing at a national conference in Atlanta, Georgia in the fall. In the nearer future, I will be exhibiting a mask I made in Springfield next month.
How has POTO effected my life? How hasn't it? Thanks be to God for the inspiration of Phantom of the Opera, and for the hope of every Erik-lover: to have HIM!
Krista R. Bruce:
I was never into the arts as a young child. It was always cartoons on TV and
all that nonsense.
When my bigger brother made me listen to 'Phantom' on cassette, I was
captivated by the story itself, and fascinated by all of it's characters.
Then I did more research on it as I grew up. I learned all the secrets, all
the lyrics to the play, I read most of the versions of the book and learned
about every character's role.
I learned to love Erik, in every version. Sadly, I have never seen the
Broadway musical, but maybe someday I will.
No I'm 14 years old. I love to sing, and write. I quietly sing Phantom songs
to myself almost everyday. The story has inspired me to go deeper into the
heart and mind than just what meets the eye.
The Phantom of the Opera has influenced my dedication to the arts (singing in
particular) and my view of deformed people or 'different' people. I am glad
for its influence on/in my life.
Stefanie Ouburg:
I'm a 19 years old girl from Holland, I try to write english the best I can, bur please forgive me my mistakes.
I'm not (yet) really sure if i'm allowed to call myself a phantom fan. One thing is sure, I love almost everything that got something to do with Erik, Christine, Raoul and al the others, bur especially Erik.
It all started when I was about 15 years old. I saw the clip from "Music of the night" on television. And it touched me, a way i can't discribe. Soon i bought the dutch version on CD, and I saw the serrie (where Erik dies on the roof), but that wasn't enough for me. I wanted to see the Musical, for real. For (i tought mij 16th) birthday, my parrent bought 2 tickets for the Musical. I was very happy (more than that, but I cant find the englisch word). At least I could see Erik in real, well, not really real, but for a 16 year old girl, that was real. The musical was really fantastic, again i don't know how to discribe it in english. But my curiosity was still there. I bought the english version on CD, and my mind was just about the musical. Then suddelny, a few years later, my mother in law gave me Susan Kay's "The man behind The Mask" I started reading, no idear of what i could exspect (again a mistake, sorry). The story facinated me, I had no idear tha Erik had such a misreble life. I feld really pitty for him. Since then, my intrest grew more and more, and stil I looking to find new things. I just finnished the story by Gaston Leroux. Many people say i'm crazy, when i tell theme that Erik was real, and that the story was real. At least, everything was based on a true story. Almost every day the CD is in the player.
Still I have 3 dreams:
1) To see the Paris operahousem see box 5, see the lake, although we are not allowed toe go there, or, not able to go there, since Erik closed all doors before hie died.
2) I want to see the musical again, onlu this time the english version.
and 3) (and maybe you can help me with this one) I want to have the musical on video. I've seen almost all movies (including Phantom of the mall). But I just have to get the video of the musical, do you maybe know if that's availeble? Somewhere, anywere...

Next issue's question:
What is your favourite "Phantom" object that you own?
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