Mailing Lists
Virtual-Phantom: I run the Virtual-Phantom Roleplaying list. If you want any informaiton, visit our website or email me.
Ragtime: This list is about anything related to the E. L. Doctrow novel or the new Broadway musical. This list is hosted at Onelist, click on the button below to subscribe.

Click to subscribe to ragtime
RMSTitanic: This list is for discussion of anything related to the ship and its fateful voyage. Discussion inclued the ship, movies and books. Click on the button below to join the list.
The Musical-Record list was formed by the peasants on another musical-record group who were tired of the list admin ignoring her own policies. It was in direct reaction to the news that the list admin had been booted off eBay for being a bad trader!

Click to subscribe to Musical-Record
Bartoli: This list is for discussion of Cecilia Bartoli, Renee Fleming, Kiri Te Kanawa and any other diva in the opera world. If you know anything about them or want to, click on the button to join!

Click to subscribe to Bartoli
The Toronto-Phantom list is to discuss anything related to "Phantom of the Opera" or other musicals in Toronto, Canada.

Click to subscribe to Toronto-Phantom