Stefanie and her hair on the bus
Another Stefanie and Heidi-Marie
A bunch of us waiting for the show to start
Stefanie, me, Lindsay and Heidi-Marie on a bus
Lindsay, me and Stefanie on a bus
Me, Stefanie, Heidi-Marie and Lindsay doing "Masquerade"
Kim Stengel all dressed up for the show with me.
Stefanie, Heidi-Marie and some guy that looks like a vampire
Jeff Timmons, Eleni,Stephan, Heidi and Stef
Anita, Jeff, Elaine and Stephan
Hepzebah and me, Bassoon girls!
Sandra's husband Paul and Sandra
A snip of Stef with Ethan Freeman
The ballet shoes I bought. They were signed by all of the dancers plus Meg and Christine.
A souvenir boutique inside Pantages
Roger who sold us all of our souvenirs. He was really cool!