Pin - 07/22/99 08:45:54
My Email:Nathaka@excite.com
Location: -----
How you got here: altavista.......
Steve Fleming - 06/30/99 04:40:50
Location: Jax, FL
See below that I called you "Sandra." Sorry, Beth.
Steve Fleming - 06/30/99 04:29:25
My Email:Sfle2000@cs.com
Location: Jacksonville, FL
How you got here: Kiri Te Kanawa
Hey, I grew up on Grand Island! Staley Rd., Stony Point Rd.. Real coincidence! Class '74. Saw Kiri tonite on PBS. I'm no opera expert, but do appreciate immense talent. She sang that Weber song "Only You" (or something like that...)Transcendent experience
How does so much noise come from such a small package? I don't think Weber's that talented, but that's his best tune! Placido...best male voice, but Pavorotti...best male opera singer.
Corabeth Godsey??!! Will Geer (Grampa) rules!!!! The TV show was not nearly as good as the pilot..."The Homecoming" 1970 Xmas Special. Remember..."The Recipe?"
Are you a music major at UB? Do you want to be a professional musician? I graduated w/ Sal Andolina and he's done well for himself.
You're very clever. Good luck in the future!
Jessie - 06/29/99 16:08:31
My Email:PalaisGarnier@hotmail.com
How you got here: A link in the e-mail you sent me
Ah, so you are CoraBeth. Has my character been accepted?
Keith A. Green - 06/12/99 01:50:42
My Email:kgreenjess@hitter.net
Location: Dunnellon,Fla. USA
How you got here: curiosity
Am beginning to like your music. Seen you on the ALW special and was very impressed. Thank You, KG
debbie - 06/09/99 10:17:02
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/az2/durasbabes
My Email:alluvus@primenet.com
Location: Sunny Arizona
How you got here: Followed the link in your .sig file!
Hey, Beth! Great site. I'm gonna have to see this play, aren't I? :)
Ric Furley - 05/25/99 19:26:29
My URL:http://www.person.com/thericfurley
My Email:thericfurley@netscape.net
Location: TEXAS!
How you got here: www.ask.com
Needed a clue for a crossword puzzle-
28 down (5 letters): Kiri Te Kanawa, for one.
answer (i'd never have guessed it without your help)....
norberto - 04/17/99 02:42:58
My Email:ien@cablenet.com.ar
Location: Argentina
How you got here: searching for kiri te kanawa
I was surprised about the lot of sites of kiri
Regars. Norberto
David - 04/13/99 20:29:58
My Email:Purgie1@webtv.net
How you got here: by accident
Im a great admirer of Kiri Te Kanawa I would like to send her an email message. Does she have an email address.If so would you be kind enough to email it to me. Thank you very much.
Rawis Kasemamornlak - 03/29/99 02:41:32
My Email:r_kasemamornlak@hotmail.com
Location: Bangkok, Thailand
How you got here: Yahoo.com
Dear Dame Te Kanawa
I love your voice very much.I purchase most of your
opera CDs. You are the best opera singer!!!!!!
Patrick Meek - 03/25/99 23:48:14
My Email:patrick_meek@hotmail.com
Location: Bloomsburg, PA
How you got here: MatchMaker
Very nice webpage. Musicals are great too. I recommend that you go see Miss Saigon.
David Bartlett - 03/24/99 11:20:47
My Email:onehunga97@hotmail.com
Location: Timaru New Zealand
How you got here: Looking for Kiris E-Mail address
Thank you for the sloppy reference to Kiri's upbringing.Both Kiri's birth family and subsequent upbringing are somewhat deserving of better commentary.May I suggest you do a bit more research and tidy your page up!
Dan - 03/21/99 08:20:00
My Email:danb184@yahoo.com
Location: west palm beach,fl
How you got here: just surfed on in:)
hi beth!its me dan,i just wanted to stop by and sign your guest book.and also i love your webpage!its great.bye take care
deborah sewell - 03/11/99 20:44:32
My Email:debren7@webtv.net
Location: nashville, tn
How you got here: looking for sites on Kiri Te Kanawa
loved your info about Kiri... would you happen to know if she has an official fan club or secretary who might handle her incoming correspondence???
caught her on PBS last evening = introducing a new song by Weber... fantanstic!!! ... would love to see her perform in person...
thanks for any info you can supply... goooooood job on your website!!! ... God Bless You!!! deborah
Jon Spears - 03/08/99 17:12:44
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Colosseum/Arena/9110
My Email:jonspears@hotmail.com
Location: Fond du Lac, Wisconsin
How you got here: Ran a Search
Keep up the good work! Come on over to my homepage and sign the guestbook. Thanks!
João (John) - 02/09/99 20:04:19
My Email:sampaio@stbnet.com.br
Location: São Paulo/ Brazil
How you got here: I was looking for informations about Dame Kiri Te Kanawa and I found your page at YAHOO!
Hi. I'm an 19 years old brazilian student. I am writing an article about great divas and I was desperate for informations about Kiri Te Kanawa and others. You can't imagine how you indirectly helped me! Thanks!
I really enjoyed your homepage. Like you, I'm also a fan of musicals and opera and Star Trek. Unfortunatelly, here in Brazil, they are not showing Star Trek Voyager, so all I know about it came from magazines and a couple os episodes I saw when I was vis
ting the USA.
You can count on me anytime you need informations about us, down here or every time you wanto to talk with a friend from the tropics!
PS: I'm sorry if I made too many english mistakes...I hope you could get the main idea...
Brian Rosenberg - 02/08/99 19:33:13
My URL:http://www.acsu.buffalo.edu/~bsr4
My Email:bsr4@acsu.buffalo.edu
Location: University at Buffalo
How you got here: You told me about it
Thank you for the help on the page. I have a few
questions for you. How come you are formerly known
as bethany and how could you possibly like Star Trek Voyager more than Star Trek The Next Generation.
amintaangel - 01/11/99 06:38:09
My Email:amintaangel@webtv.net
How you got here: Phantom of the Opera Nexus
I did not see the info on the virtual phantom & its cast list. The red lettering is difficult to read.
Stephanie - 01/03/99 18:12:33
My Email:stephmar25@aol.com
Location: London, Ky
How you got here: Through Phantom home page
I love it!!! I'm a HUGE fan of Phantom of the Opera. I was thrilled when I found it on Musicals.net. I love musicals but unfortunately, there aren't many around here.
john darmanin - 01/03/99 00:33:27
My Email:vvg402@aol.com
Andrea - 12/15/98 05:19:35
My Email:i think you already know that
hey! i haven't been here in a while so i thought i'd drop by! It's also a wonderful way to avoid studying for finals (but you wouldn't know that)
H - 12/05/98 00:02:39
My URL:http://www.waikato.net/tyy/
Brooke - 12/01/98 23:13:20
My Email:borosz@wellesley.edu
How you got here: Search engine
I thought I'd seen every Voyager episode, but I can't remember when Janeway said "Take this cheese to sickbay" Could someone help me out here?
kerry kurtus - 11/11/98 23:13:09
My URL:http://www.justremember.com
My Email:pkiinc@aol.com
Location: Albany, New York
How you got here: ebay auction
Ms. Gerrie - 11/10/98 04:05:16
My Email:kirifan@aol.com
How you got here: Yahoo
I have been trying to find some new info on Kiri. She isn't included in the fall Met schedule. I noticed that your notes say she is divorced. How can I locate more on her? I have been a fan for many years. Sure would appreciate your insights. Thanks
Robert Samuels - 11/08/98 16:54:21
My Email:acme@iaw.on.ca
Location: Fort Erie, Ont.
How you got here: surfing
Great show the Phantom.If you saw it in Toronto at the Pantages so did I.
Keep up the great web page
10/27/98 10:36:31
Name: Bad Bunny | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Just surfing. Thanks.
Ponine Enjolras - 10/07/98 03:46:21
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Broadway/Alley/6932
My Email:juliet_rose_star@hotmail.com
Location: Under Paris
How you got here: Geocities
Great great fantabulous page!!! I love Phantom, and Carlotta is the best! I've always wanted to be Carlotta...I just have to work on that soprano thing...oh well! Anyways, I love the page!
Arthur Lazere - 09/29/98 17:59:24
My URL:http://www.culturevulture.net
My Email:arthur@culturevulture.net
Location: San Francisco
How you got here: OneList
Great page!
Check out culturevulture.net - and if you like it, do a link?
Monica Lewinsky - 09/26/98 03:30:53
My URL:http://www.acsu.buffalo.edu/~mbauman
My Email:mbauman@acsu.buffalo.edu
Location: Buffalo, NY
How you got here: you shamelss plug
I saw Phantom in Toronto. It was an off matinee. All the actors were exceedingly drunk. Christine hit on me and Colm promised to "show me his Raul." A Splendid Time Is Guaranteed For All!
Avery - 09/25/98 17:35:58
My URL:http://www.bardstown.com/ave
My Email:averylucky@hotmail.com
Location: Kentucky
How you got here: Yahoo! profile
Impressive page design. I like the page and content, and I find the same things intresting.
Pete - 09/25/98 12:24:27
My URL:http://wings.buffalo.edu/~pkalenik
My Email:pkalenik@acsu.buffalo.edu
Location: Buffalo, NY
How you got here: By hacking into a computer. :o)
Beth Beth Beth....not all the people who sign your guest book are nice! You prolly don't remember me from any of the pep band rehearsals or the one game so far but I'm the idiotic crazy trombonist who is way too into sports and will speak his mind at any
time! Cool page....Um....that's about all that i have to say other than see you on Thursday unless you're helpin w/ traffic on Sunday. Later.
sheri clinch - 09/25/98 00:23:12
My Email:marie979smc@yahoo.com
How you got here: found your address on one of my forwarded messages
Michael Soyka - 09/17/98 23:12:46
My URL:http://pegasus.cc.ucf.edu/~ms40638
My Email:ms40638@pegasus.cc.ucf.edu
Location: Orlando, FL
How you got here: E-mail from my girlfriend
Piangi (David) - 09/09/98 13:33:54
My Email:dsmall@kent.edu
Location: Kent, OH
How you got here: Was told about the page by the beautiful one they call Beth :-)
Well I figured it was about time I signed your guest book. Love the page and you.
Patricia Wallace - 09/07/98 02:54:31
My Email:wall6713@novell.uidaho.edu
Location: Idaho,USA
How you got here: friend
Great site . It is nice to find other young people interested in opera...
Capt.Norman E. Leiva - 08/26/98 07:00:16
My Email:Galileo-7@juno.com
Location: San Francisco,ca
How you got here: wormhole/ time warp slingshot effect
you did a job worthy only of a graduate of starfleet........carry on Cmdr.......
me - 08/23/98 19:41:26
How you got here: gunpoint
Jorge - 08/07/98 14:31:46
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/broadway/1245
My Email:SweetmanX@rocketmail.com
Location: Venezuela
hey your page is cool, remember visit my home page and sing my guesbook!!!
Stephanie - 07/28/98 18:06:05
My Email:stenia@belial.demo.pl
Location: Poland
How you got here: Yahoo - Kiri
Excellent site. I had real fun serching it. I added it to my favourites. I like your voice. Love. S.
Carl Cappel - 07/27/98 03:17:07
My Email:Celmerc@aol.com
Location: New Mexico
How you got here: Searching Web Pages
Would you know if Dame Kiri Te Kanawa has an active fan club at this time? I would be most appreciative if you could steer me in the right direction.
Thank you for any information.
Calvin Dean - 07/23/98 11:57:33
Location: Cornwall
How you got here: car
Don A Ward - 06/22/98 01:12:41
My Email:dward@accesscable.net
Location: halifax,NS
How you got here: yahoo.ca looking up history on kiri
Great spot seems there are some people on this earth who like opera and theater,DS-9,Voyager
and still stay earth bound...still in space with music and still on Earth...bye.
Jassy - 06/17/98 03:32:31
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Rampart/7988
My Email:jassy777@rocketmail.com
Location: Toronto
How you got here: email
Hey cool page!! Lots of cool stuff on it *S*!!
Eddie Molloy - 05/27/98 05:02:20
My Email:eddiemolloy@hotmail.com
Location: Chicago, IL
How you got here: via the ALW forum
Beth, let me just say... you rock! Your page has so many cool photos everywhere it is a feast for the eyes! It is a far better looking page than many professional pages I've viewed. I'll keep checking back!
Stay cool!
-Eddie :)
Emma - 05/04/98 09:10:58
My Email:emene@hotmail.com
Location: Australia
How you got here: Kiri Te Kanawa
I found your oage because I was looking up Kiri for a music essay and the computer gave me yours as the only site!
I explored the rest of your page and found stuff that I very much like!!
"Live Long and Prospere!"
Do you have any more sites of info on Kiri? I am rather desperate!
Thanks heaps!
Wendy Darling - 04/28/98 14:13:42
My Email:darlingn@wetelcom.com
Location: Plattsburgh,NY
How you got here: from the Titanic mailing list
I just had to visit your site I had seen it so many times in the Titanic mailng list. I am a BIG fan of Phantom and Les Mis too. I saw Phantom on Tour with Jeff Hyslop as Phantom in Montreal. When I have time I'll come back and look more. Thanks:-)
Heidi-Marie Mason - 04/17/98 19:15:09
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Paris/LeftBank/7339/
My Email:operadescendant@hotmail.com
Location: Utah
How you got here: word of mouth
Hallo Beth,
Just wanted to drop in and say hi. Great page, loving it immensely. And I wanted people to know that you are a good person, regardless of what some jerks may say.
Enjoy life,
Wouldn't you like to know, Harry P. - 03/29/98 23:22:41
How you got here: Phantom Fan Home Pages
First of all, I've got a comment for Harry P. Neis.
You need to keep your frickin' nose out of other people's business!
Your to busy worrying about other people, you probably don't even have a life! You get a boyfriend! You probably can't! you're probably fat and ugly and worthless! all in all....you just need to shut up!!!!!
Madame Christine Meagan Daae'-Crawford - 03/26/98 22:30:27
My Email:EFXPhantom@aol.com
Location: New Orleans, Louisiana
How you got here: Phantom Fan Home Pages
Great page, Bethany!
Anyway, it's me Ashley.
I changed my screen name to EFXPhantom.
I used to be PhantomMJH.
I still would like my questions answered by KB ok?
If you want to e-mail me...e-mail me at EFXPhantom@aol.com.
Well, I gotta' go!
Ciao'-der! :-)
~~Madame Christine Megan Daae'-Crawford
"In sleep he sang to me..."
Kelly Ellenwood - 03/26/98 06:48:12
My Email:kellyelly@aol.com
Hi Bethany --
I'm back doing Carlotta after an eventful year "off" -- I'm on Broadway now, and it's a real kick! Keep up the great work -- and thanks for the "Carlotta Shrine" --
Best regards,
Kelly Ellenwood
Sharon - 03/22/98 23:02:32
My Email:Whimsi5005@AOL.com
How you got here: Kiri Te Kanawa
THANK YOU!!! I've learned a BUNCH!!
Hairy P. Neis - 03/04/98 18:45:01
Location: Maya Butreks
How you got here: I don't Know
Well your web site like not to be mean or anything SUCKS!!!! Who would want to read about all the things YOU like. Like your cool or something. I could see if you were like cool and wanted other people to read about you but I saw your picture and you r
ally are not cool. I mean what is up with the reallyy white skin, Is that in style now. Instead of spending all your free time on your DAMN computer why not go outsids, have fun, get a boyfriend!!! But anyway, I guess your web site is cool, I guess, Bu
so good luck in anything you wana do i guess. Pleasee write me back. Oh yeah, P.S. "Are voices are developing. there like a roll of film, just waiting to be developed.
Madame Ashley Christine M. - 03/02/98 23:52:44
My URL:I don't have one...yet....
My Email:PhantomMJH@aol.com
Location: New Orleans, La.
How you got here: Through Phantom Fan Home Pages
Great site!!
You've got a pretty darn good voice too!!
(better than mine...you're quite lucky to have a voice as good as yours..) Also, both you and I are quite young (I'm 14...you...??) So our voices still need developing....like a roll of film....we're a roll of film just taking a while to be developed!!
(hehehe!) :-)
Anyway, I loved the Phantom of the Opera when I saw it. I saw it on January 14, 1998. (four days before my birthday!!) Talk about your good birthday presents!! :-)
Anyway, I'd like to go see all the other productions of Sir Andrew Lloyd Webber...but I can't...yet...! Well, I gotta' go! Bye bye! :-)
~~Madame Ashley Christine M.
"In sleep he sang to me..."
(the Phantom that I saw was with Brad Little (as the Phantom) and Kimilee Bryant (as Christine))
STACY L. - 02/21/98 06:02:35
How you got here: typed your address, to see your web site.
Very nice beth; you do good work. You need to make a titanic web page next!
Stan - 02/07/98 04:01:05
My Email:silevine@worldnet.att.net
Location: Georgia
How you got here: Yahoo search for Kiri te kanawa
I was looking for Kiri's picture to download, so i could print it, to frame together with her autograph that I got last weekend at the Met when she did her final Capriccio - and i hit your site. Really - she's much classier than the picture you chose - a
so, would appreciate a higher resolution photo - can't do much with 8k!! If you have one, maybe you can email it to me. I really would appreciate it. By the way, update your info - she's now divorced.
Nice site you have there - keep working at it. I'll be back.
Dirk Groenewold - 01/31/98 11:40:20
My URL:http://--------
My Email:http://www.groe1dj.@.pi.ned
Location: Voorburg, Netherlands
How you got here: Browsing
I am mad about New Zealand. I visited it in november and december 1995, and hope to go back, probably at the end of 1999.
Javert - 01/17/98 04:01:26
Location: Paris, France
How you got here: Phantom Web Ring
Why pick Carlotta as a favorite character? I don't ant to insult your page but when I saw Phantom her character really sickened me. She had no humanity. Every other character even had a point, or some human weakness. All she has to offer is bitchiness. Sh
is rude, arrogant, and annoying. Now, I know many people who have those things in real life, and in musicals, but never have I come across a character who had a point a view that made no sense until she came around. My favorite character of all musicals
s Javert. He is the villian of Les Miserables, but at least I can see that he just has mixed up morals. Carlotta is just the bitchiest character in musical hisotry. Mean, and rotton to the core, Creulla Devil without the element of humor. An altogether po
ntless character, who you can make such a big shrine about is amazing.
I guess she might be fun to play as a character, but I don't know. She has a small role, and every one doesn't like her. She also has the worst song in the musical, "Prima Dona." That is the worst song in a well known musical that I know of. At least Chri
tine has a bittersweet character....to paraphrase a Carlotta quote, "Carlotta, she doesn't have a human personality."
I am just trying to figure out why you like her so much. For certain, she is the worst character in Phantom...
Isis Osiris - 01/15/98 18:32:05
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/broadway/1031/
My Email:isis@phantom.ml.org
Location: the great state of insanity :)
How you got here: my page!
hi, again! just popping in as I check my links.
Stuart - 01/15/98 15:49:55
My URL:www.Nosuch.luck
My Email:see webpage
Location: Ye Olde England
How you got here: My Mother and Father got together and....oh, I see-I just surfed in.
Hey! Managed to con another free trial but no email, thought I'd just say hello. Page is looking good (-ish;))
George Orndoff - 01/12/98 04:30:22
My Email:gorndoff
Location: thegrid.net
How you got here: go Kiri Te Kanawa
My wife and I are great fans of Kiri after seing her in San Diego in the mid 80s. On a whim I checked to see what was on the Net for her and yours was the furst hit. Thanks for the info.
tony - 12/01/97 22:42:49
My Email:tonyd1969@aol.com
Location: sc
How you got here: search engine
my great aunt was a very very close friend of geraldine farrar. i have many original pictures of her plus some old letters. let me know if you would like one. bye
Jorn Lavoll - 12/01/97 02:44:52
My URL:http://www.dragonfire.net/~lavoll/chess/
My Email:gamemusic@usa.net
Location: USA
How you got here: vie my computer
fun page. Visit CHESS - The Website.. a web site dedicated to another great musical, CHESS.
Erin Blair - 11/29/97 04:21:12
My URL:http://www.sonic.net/~eblair/index.html
My Email:eblair@sonic.net
Location: Rohnert Park, CA
How you got here: My Bookmarks
Hi Carlotta.
Nice page. =) Of course, your page has been one of my bookmarks for a long time. In any case, my pages has been going through a major overhaul for the past few weeks.
See ya on the Virtual Phantom list.
Wendy - 11/29/97 01:58:58
My Email:NA
Location: Arizona, USA
How you got here: Kiri
Karl J. Schmidt - 11/27/97 22:37:38
My URL:http://www.insekta.com
My Email:insekta@usa.net
Location: Denmark
How you got here: From New Zealand
I look fore same text about Kiri Te Kanawa.
And I found samething on yuor sides.
Greating from Karl.J.
Ashlie - 11/21/97 19:15:32
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/hollywood/lot/4438
My Email:acrooks@ttacs.ttu.edu
Location: Lubbock, TX
How you got here: signed guestbook
Nice page, except it took awhile to load. I also love X Files. You said in the guestbook that you liked David Bowie, so I thought I'd check out your page, 'cause anyone who likes Bowie has to have some taste! :)
Rebecca Wright - 11/13/97 20:29:13
My URL:http://members.aol.com/Spider6080/index.html
My Email:Spider6080@aol.com
Location: PA
How you got here: I'm a POTO fan and surfed on in!
What an awesome page. It's cool how you have Hannibal as the background, but it's still easy to read what you've written.
You've got lots of neat stuff here! I'm linking this to my page when I re-do it! :-)
Sonja Blank - 11/13/97 19:22:03
Location: Germany
Marie Zidzik - 11/06/97 00:33:40
My Email:gridzik@lawrence.csnet.net
Location: West Babylon, NY
How you got here: Looking for Kiri
Wonderful fun. Wonderful information and
entertainment. Thanks!
Avery Lucky - 10/30/97 03:48:55
My URL:http://www.bardstown.com/~lucky/lucky.html
My Email:lucky@bardstown.com
Location: Kentucky
How you got here: I walked
Hi girl! Just dropping by your page to see what's new. pretty cool I guess. Beats my page. :P are you planning on changing your name to Carlotta? or have you already......
Ana Claudia - 10/24/97 01:50:24
My Email:fgoulart@eme.eb.mil.br
Location: Brazil
How you got here: My husband told me about your page.
Wounderful page, sincere congratulations. I'd like to take advantage of your knowledge about classics, and ask for some information about Handel. I'd like to know his art, and I'd appreciate very much if you could recommend his best CD (Orlando? Ariodante
). Please, be advised I like music and voice. Thanks a lot. Kisses.
Joao - 10/22/97 20:40:09
My Email:jcmen@com.ru
Location: Russia-Moscow
How you got here: Searching for Kiri
I've just started in Internet, and Kiri is actually my first serious search. Would like also to receive her future agenda, anywhere in the world. Unfortunately, I missed the oportunity when she sang in Rio, because I was busy in Russia. But I heard/read t
at her concert there was not good, because it was the day when she broke up with her husband. Facts of life, but a great soprano, anyway...one of my favourites, specially in Le Nozze and Capriccio.
Fernando - 10/14/97 01:12:46
My Email:fgoulart@eme.eb.mil.br
Location: Brazil
How you got here: Searching for Kiri
Beautiful page. Congratulations.
Fernando - 10/14/97 01:06:37
My Email:fgoulart@eme.eb.mil.br
Location: Brazil
How you got here: Seaching for Kiri
Beautiful page. Congratulations.
Edward J. DeRosa II - 09/30/97 02:03:29
My Email:DeRosa_E@Denison.edu
Location: Granville, Ohio...or...Cleveland, Ohio
How you got here: Through a link from Isis' geocities' page
I love ALW, also. I would be interested in talking to you about him and his various works. My favorite musical by him is Whistle Down the Wind with Starlight Express in second. Rounding out the top five are Sunset Blvd., Jesus Christ Superstar, and Pha
tom of the Opera
I hope to hear from you,
marijke - 09/28/97 09:24:39
Location: Delft
How you got here: Yahoo
Walter Van de Poel - 09/19/97 09:52:52
My Email:@brtn.be
Location: Brussels, Belgium
How you got here: Kiri te Kanawa
Bright and shining!
Erin Tighe - 09/17/97 00:07:38
My Email:Bandit924@aol.com
Location: Michigan
How you got here: My mother told me how to get here.
I love to sing Carlotta and if I have a chance in college I am going to sing Carlotta. She has a beautiful voice. My friend wants to sing for Christine which is good.
Erin Tighe - 09/17/97 00:03:32
Cheryl H. - 09/14/97 23:47:31
My Email:julidumas@hotmail.com
Just dropping in after leaving Juliette for the day. Nice site! One question though. Why Carlotta? Why not Christine, or are you a bit of a diva yourself ;)? Me too! Anyway, see you at the Opera! And, just a friendly waring. Don't accept vocal eli
ers from sixteen-year-olds who look like Christine. They might have it in for you! Anyway, I just wanted to compliemnt you on your site.
Your fellow phan and VPOTO comrade,
Cheryl H./Juliette Dumas
hartmut luetz - 09/08/97 08:38:23
My URL:http://www.transcom.de
My Email:luetz@transcom.de
Location: germany
How you got here: yahoo
carlotta, can u pls help?
need to get into contact with kiri-te kanawas agent. i want to present to my wife a concert anywhere in the world. but where is the next concert?
do u have an idea?
thanks a lot. brgds
Piangi AKA EFX - 09/08/97 01:44:07
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~RandyBlair/titanic/titanic.html
My Email:rajbl@hotmail.com
Location: A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away......
How you got here: Carlotta told me to come. :)
Hiya Beth! 'Tis I, EFX. I just decided that I'd come sign your guestbook. I can't believe I haven't yet. Anyway, nice page. C-ya on #phantom.
Frank Hilhorst - 08/29/97 21:23:42
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/broadway/stage/1698
My Email:frankhil@geocities.com
Location: Hoogwoud, The Netherlands
How you got here: just surf in
You have nice musicals page here, I like musicals a lot, see my homepage with musicals :
Phantom,Joseph,Evita,Miss Saigon and later Cyrano,Joe...........keep up the good work.
Josh Palkki - 08/28/97 15:12:05
My URL:http://members.aol.com/BrdwyRules/erok.html
My Email:BrdwyRules@aol.com
Location: Ishpeming
How you got here: Mailing List
Great page! Lots of stuff!
Ryan Dye - 08/22/97 16:45:26
My URL:http://member.aol.com/RDye103426/PHANTOMSDOMAIN
My Email:RDye103426@aol.com
Location: Doylestown, Ohio
How you got here: Phantom Ring
EXCELLENT PAGE!!!!!!!!!!!!
Firestar aka Richard - 08/16/97 15:24:52
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/TimesSquare/Alley/3970/
My Email:heavenslight@hotmail.com
Location: Iowa (middle of no where)
How you got here: I am pulled to great pages
HEY what a great page.... *Firestar goes up to bookmarks and clicks "add bookmark"*
see you on IRC
Simon - 08/05/97 23:45:45
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Broadway/Stage/1343
My Email:sjg@xtra.co.nz
Date: 8/3/97
Location: New Zealand
How you got here: Geocities
Hi there,
My name is Simon and I have been appointed your community leader for this block.
If you have any questions at all about anything, please do not hesitate to email me
at anytime. I’ll help where I can.
I used to live down the road from Kiri Te Kanawa.Did you
know her marriage has split up? Sad...
Kuang-Chien Chen - 08/05/97 23:43:51
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Broadway/1079
My Email:kuang@tpts4.seed.net.tw
Date: 8/1/97
Location: Taipei, Taiwan
How you got here: Carlotta told me to
Hi!I am Kuang,remember me?
Steven Bliss - 08/05/97 23:42:34
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/RainForest/9617
My Email:sbliss@voyager.net
Date: 7/18/97
Location: Jackson, MI
How you got here: Geocities
Hot stuff
Melissa - 08/05/97 23:43:49
My Email:slepage@bdsnet.com
Date: 7/14/97
Location: Dover, Delaware
How you got here: Geocities
I think that this is a wonderfule page. I enjoyed everything about it...even the background design.
Katy Sikkema - 08/05/97 23:42:33
My Email:103202.1204@compuserve.com
Date: 6/28/97
Location: Melrose, MA
How you got here: A link
Hey, great page! I just sent an E-mail to subscribe to virtual-phantom today. I hope I get a part! (Now I'm talking like it was an audition!) I got it from your virtual phantom page, so thanx! I finally got to see the show last year. I'm only a teenager,
nd I had to save my cash for months to get a ticket. I love Les Mis, too! Kudos to ya!
Cheryl Evans - 08/05/97 23:38:09
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Vienna/Strasse 1768
My Email:bionda@rocketmail.com
Date: 6/27/97
Location: Pittsburgh, PA
How you got here: Carlotta told me to come
Great job on the Kiri Page! If you're an opera fan, please join the lively discussion in the Opera News website. Dial up www.operanews.com and sign up for Standing Room. Glad to hear you love Kiri too! Do you want to be a singer?
Betsy Wilson - 08/05/97 23:36:29
My Email:verdibizet@aol.com
Date: 6/29/97
Location: Minneapolis, Minnesota
How you got here: Friend
I LOVE it! Where'd you get all the cool gifs? I'm trying to make my own page, and I'd LOVE some advice!
Tue, 1 Jul 1997 15:30:57
Name: Izabelle
Email: asdantas@net2000.com.br
Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/CollegePark/Union/4727
Comment:Cool homepage... I liked the Aspects of Love link, not many people inclue it on their page!!! See ya!!!
How did you find my page:GeocitiesMon, 30 Jun 1997 14:10:39
Name:Josh Palkki
Email: BrdwyRules@aol.com
State: MI
Country: USA
Comment:I love POTO
How did you find my page:otherSun, 29 Jun 1997 20:33:32
Name: Little Lotte
Email: g_i_m_cute@hotmail.com
City:Prince Edward County
State: Ontario
Country: Canada
Comment:I like it very much!!! Keep up the good work
How did you find my page:Carlotta told me to comeSun, 29 Jun 1997 18:45:50
Name: Brad "Lurch" Riddle
Email: musical_guru@hotmail.com
City: Elk Grove
State: IL
Country: USA
Comment:Hey Beth!! 'Tis I, Lancelot!!Love the wallpaper!! I don't really have time to check out the rest of your page today, but I will tomorrow!! DON'T FORGET: watch 'First Knight'! -D BTW: do you wear glasses? My computer has really junky graphics, so I don't get pictures off the net really well. (your hair, even though I printed your picture out which helps some, came in purple colored and you didn't have a nose!) Nice hairdoo! BTW: I have alternate email addresses at musical_guru@rocketmail.com and musical_guru@usa.net, in case your messages to me ever get bounced. =B-) -Sir Bradley of Elk Grove- *G* =B-D
How did you find my page:A friend told meSun, 29 Jun 1997 16:57:34
Email: cneely@murlin.com
City: Sedalia
Country: USA
Comment:i didn't think anyone really like Carlotta enough to come here, but your page is great looking! Keep up the good work!
How did you find my page:Carlotta told me to comeSat, 28 Jun 1997 16:55:54
Name: Frank Hilhorst
Email: frankhil@geocities.com
City: Hoogwoud
Country: The Netherlands
Comment:Hi, you have a nice page,I like The Phantom Musical too. See my Homepage I have also The Phantom, Evita,Joseph and I'm working on Miss Saigon now. Bye
How did you find my page:GeocitiesSat, 14 Jun 1997 12:24:57
Name:Ubaldo Piangi
Email: rajbl@hotmail.com
Comment:Hello Flicka!!! Really like your page. Keep up the good work. See ya on IRC. HEHEHEHE :)
How did you find my page:Carlotta told me to come hereWed, 28 May 1997 19:26:05
Name: Amelia
Email: Operetta@earthlink.net
City: Santa Ana
Country: USA
Comment:I liked Kiri's page - just not enough - of course I can never get enough of Kiri.
How did you find my page:Search EngineWed, 28 May 1997 12:01:08
Name: Peter Bording
Email: PBording@aol.com
Country: Germany
Comment:The Dutch Cast original Mr. André could hardly NOT visit the site of his Prima Donna. How about some attention on Cristina Deutekoms (THE ONE AND ONLY QUEEN OF THE NIGHT) NW cd she recorded at 65? I still miss her on your page.
How did you find my page:Search EngineMon, 19 May 1997 19:18:02
Name: John K. Hong
Email: phantom@pacifier.com
State: WA
Country: USA
Comment:Very "UNIQUE" and beautiful page! I love your DEVOTION for Carlotta!
How did you find my page:Carlotta to me to comeFri, 16 May 1997 08:04:44
Name:Rita Gann
Email: rjgann@netserve.mar.lmco.com
City: Cartersville
State: GA
Country: USA
Comment:Would love to know more about this site.
How did you find my page: Search EngineSat, 10 May 1997 17:13:03
Name: Bysshe
Comment: You've got a lovely page. I hope the shrine continues to expand. Take care of yourself, ok? -- Bysshe
How did you find my page: Carlotta told me to comeMon, 28 Apr 1997
Name: I(gor) V(ainer) - IV shortly.
Country: Israel
Comment:OK,Renee,nice site,cute picture,thanks for giving me the address of this place. I finally succeeded to get your picture from u,am i cool or what? :-)
How did you find my page: otherSun, 27 Apr 1997 14:54:17
Name:Kuan Yin
Email: moonh2o@concentric.net
City: Santa Fe
State: NM
Comment:Great to see Kiri on the Web. You have good taste! Thanks.
How did you find my page:Search EngineSun, 20 Apr 1997 03:53:01
Name: Paul E. Robinson
Email: prka2ymf@buffnet.net
City: Grand Island
Comment:Really awesome page. Don't have time to look at it all right now.
How did you find my page: Carlotta told me to comeSat, 19 Apr 1997 15:14:20
Name: Kim Stengel
Email: KimStengel@aol.com
City: Toronto
Country: Canada
Comment:Thanks as always for your creative support of the diva.
The page looks great.
Thanks for your hard work.
How did you find my page: Carlotta told me to come here.Fri, 11 Apr 1997 20:36:50
Name: DefYak
Email: choir@grfn.org
Homepage: http://www.grfn.org/~choir
City: Houghton
State: Michigan
Country: US
Comment:'Tis the work of a most deserv'd fellow. Thou art fully knowledg'd in the art of HTML. Fail not, for thy work sticks well! (yah, I'm weird, so what)
How did you find my page: OtherMon, 7 Apr 1997 08:06:56
Name: Antonio-Carlos Brotons
Email: acbrot@iies.es
City: Elche
State: Alicante
Country: Spain
Comment: Congratulations for your astonishingly original homepage !!
How did you find my page: OtherSat, 5 Apr 1997 03:02:03
Name: Mike Abrahams
Email: mike@melbpc.org.au
Homepage: http://www.ozemail.com.au/~willisc/marina.htm
City: Melbourne
State: VIC
Comment: Hey Car! Of course, I've been here before, but I don't think I've ever been bothered to sign this. But seeing as you signed my guestbook on THE MARINA PRIOR HOMEPAGE (url above - cheap plug) I thought I'd better sign yours. Looking great, of course! Mike/VE
How did you find my page:Carlotta told me to come hereTue, 25 Mar 1997 17:18:44
Name: John Plunkett
Email: plunkett@islandnet.com
State: BC
Country: Canada
Comment: I like your pages. They're coming along very nicely. Kiri and Cecilia. I saw Kiri live a couple of years ago at the Royal Roads Military College here in Victoria. What a performance!... and what a location. Kiri with the Vancouver and Victoria Symphony Orchestras with the ocean and the snow-capped Olympic Mountains as a backdrop. As the sun went down the college's Hatley Castle and its gardens and forests were lit up. An evening I'll remember forever. My ambition now is to attend a live Cecilia Bartoli performance!
How did you find my page: OtherMon, 24 Mar 1997 15:00:12
Name: Colett
Email: aloha1@compuserve.com
City: Hillsborough
State: NJ
Country: US
Comment: Kiri Te Kanawa is the soprano that got ME into opera too.16 years ago. She's the best....trying to get tix to see her at Hampton Court and CG in June. Any suggestions?
How did you find my page:OtherSun, 23 Mar 1997 11:43:37
Name:Iago Whink
Email: iagowhink@geocities.com
Homepage: http://www.geocities.com/CollegePark/Quad/6796/
State: Michigan
Country: USA
Comment: Coo coo COOL page!! *smile* I just jumped at the chance to see it! Enjoy life! Gotta go!LATER!
How did you find my page: LinkThu, 13 Mar 1997 14:32:45
Name: Jessica
State: CA
Country: USA
Comment: I like the page. Great links, but one thing....Franc D'Ambrosio's last name is spelled wrong on your cast list for June 1996 in S.F. Other than that, its a wonderful page. Full of info.
How did you find my page:Search EngineWed, 5 Mar 1997 17:26:20
Name: Barney Ferguson (Kain2)
Email: BFerguson@Copland.sc.edu
City: Columbia
State: SC
Country: US
Comment: Creative!! I love it!! See 'ya around!!
How did you find my page:Carlotta told me to comeWed, 26 Feb 1997 18:11:18
Name: Christine De Chany
Email: Claxton2@msn.com
City: Paris
Country: France
Comment: I Love to sing Opera and especially The Phantom of the Opera. I have the highlights and the other full lenght version. I like to sing Prima Donna the most because of the high notes. I want to be a Broadway diva someday. I have seen the Phantom twice and read the book by Gaston Leoux. I have also memorized every word that Christine and Carlotta sing or say. From the extra programs I have completely covered my door in phantom stuff. My friends and I adore The Phantom of the Opera .
How did you find my page:Carlotta told me to come hereFri, 21 Feb 1997 18:04:56
Name: Hugo Pinheiro
Email: hugo@fortalnet.com.br
Homepage: http://www.geocities.com/Broadway/4489/songbook.html
City: Fortaleza
State: Cear
Country: Brazil
Comment: I really liked the links! Great page!
How did you find my page: GeocitiesMon, 17 Feb 1997 07:53:37
Name:Opera Ghost
State: Massachusettes
Country: U.S.A
Comment:Nice page, I guess you really do like Carlotta.
How did you find my page:LinkSat, 1 Feb 1997 23:08:44
Name:Bart Siemiatkowski
State: Ontario
Country: Canada
Comment:Its bart from telecafe! :)
How did you find my page:Carlotta told me to come here.Mon, 24 Feb 1997 10:58:34
Name:Christine Daae
State: Herts
Comment:I can't believe I haven't signed your guestbook yet. Anyway, hello! I've been here before, as you know, but not signed in. The Carlotta Shrine is looking great.
How did you find my page:Carlotta told me to come here.Thu, 30 Jan 1997 08:44:17
Name: Patrick
Homepage: www.geocities.com/broadway/1574
City: Sao paulo
State: SP
Country: Brazil
Comment: Great page. Please go to my page too.
How did you find my page:Search EngineTue, 28 Jan 1997 18:36:36
Name: Matt Pals
City: Chicago
State: IL
Country: USA
How did you find my page:Search EngineSun, 26 Jan 1997 18:22:38
Name: Cheryl Willis
Email: ozphan@phantom.ml.org
Homepage: http://www.ozemail.com.au/~willisc/guest.htm
City: Sydney
State: New South Wales
Country: Australia
Comment: Your Carlotta shrine is coming along nicely. I am glad to see the Australian Carlottas there!
How did you find my page: Carlotta told me to come hereTue, 7 Jan 1997 18:57:23
Name: Michelle Ewing (ShellsNCheese, ILuvRaoul)
Email: cdaae@waga.net
Homepage: http://www.geocities.com/Broadway/3139
City: Marietta
State: GA
Country: USA
Comment: Hey, maybe you don't remember me, but I used to come to #phantom a lot (I still do, but whenever I sign on, no one is there 'cept for K9 or some splits are going on). I was looking around and found this! Love your page...how did you do a guestbook like this? I have one hosted by Lpage and it's always down....well, talk to ya later!
How did you find my page:Search EngineSun, 19 Jan 1997 06:48:47
Name: Judith
Email: Judith@netvigator.com
City: Hong Kong
State: Hong Kong
Country: Hong Kong
Comment: what a great homepage as I saw!!! Well Done!!! ^o^ I like Plantom as well!!! Hope you have a great 97.
How did you find my page:Search EngineSun, 19 Jan 1997 00:36:24
Name: Noriaki Santou
Email: norimaki@mxb.meshnet.or.jp
City: Hiroshima
State: Hiroshima
Country: Japan
Comment: I love Phantom of the Opera,and also love your site.
How did you find my page:LinkTue, 14 Jan 1997 20:39:35
City: Waitakere
State: Auckland
Country: New Zealand
Comment: What to say, except I wish I had my own acess to this and be able to do something like this myself. I think my brothers address above is right, maybe a few dots missing. Phantom might be coming my way in NZ soon, having flown to Sydney to see it before.Where did you get that neat pic. i.e. the one not from the POTObook
How did you find my page:Carlotta told me to come hereTue, 14 Jan 1997 14:49:57
Name: Grantaire
City: Newcastle
State: Dissarray
Country: UK
Comment: If you build it, he will come. (just felt like saying that-no real profound reason) Nice page Car:)
How did you find my page:Carlotta told me to come hereFri, 3 Jan 1997 16:10:08
Name: Eva
Email: santaevita@hotmail.com
City:Hicksville (Delevan)
State: NY
Country: USA
Comment: Loved your page (again) I'm surfing the web, having fun. Talk you ya later. Mail me. Say hi to everyone on IRC. BYE!
How did you find my page:Carlotta told me to come hereSun, 29 Dec 1996 11:22:08
Name: Clark
Email: cstreet@geocities.com
State: MA
Country: USA
Comment: Pretty Cool! Love the background
How did you find my page:GeocitiesFri, 27 Dec 1996 10:37:26
Name: Tim Shrimpton
Email: tshrimpt@ohio.net
City: Medina
State: OH
Country: USA
Comment: Kewl stuff!
How did you find my page:Carlotta told me to come hereThu, 26 Dec 1996 18:45:08
Name: leigh munro
Country: switzerland
Comment: Happy Holidays! Loved being home with my family for the holidays. Enjoyed viewing your web site! I return to Basel soon...good luck with your theatrical endeavors!
How did you find my page: otherMon, 23 Dec 1996 20:25:05
Name: Timothy Metcalfe
Email: timothy@eaglequest.com
Your page: http://www.eaglequest.com/~timothy
City:Sterling Heights
State: MI
Country: USA
Comment: Cool Page Bethany!! Like the guestbook! :)
How did you find my page: Carlotta told me to come hereMon, 23 Dec 1996 14:50:49
Name: Catherine Forbes
Country: Switzerland
Comment: Carlotta, 1st Cover, Phantom, Basel
How did you find my page: Search engineFri, 20 Dec 1996 16:23:42
Name: douglas g. munro
Email: dmunro@wavetech.net
State: MN
Country: USA
Comment: also a kiri and al webber fan! love to chat...doug
How did you find my page: search engineWed, 18 Dec 1996 17:21:53
Name: Gene Waugh
Email: gwaugh@nvsn.com
City: Elgin
State: IL
Country: USA
Comment: Thank you so much for your info on Kiri...I am by no means an opera fan, but she is simply BEAUTIFUL...her music, I refer to !
How did you find my page:Search engineTue, 17 Dec 1996 14:48:51
Name: Amy Craig Martiner
Email: amy@davisadv.com
State: PA
Country: USA
Comment: Hi! I found your page as I searched the web for mentions of my mother...Leigh Munro. She is the longest running- Carlotta! (4 1/2 years in Los Angeles, about 1 year in Toronto, 6 months on the Asia tour, and has been in Basel Switzerland for the past 14 months and is going strong! Congratulations on a fun page!
Thanks, I'll be sure to show the page to my Mom when she comes home for Christmas...
-Amy Craig Martiner 12/17/96
How did you find my page: Web searchWed, 20 Nov 1996 06:38:05
Name: Skye
Email: skye@comcat.com
Your page: http://www.geocities.com/Broadway/1731/
State: PA
Country: USA
Comment: Hiya Car!! It's me, Skye. I just subscribed to your VPhantom list, and now I know what you were talking about when you asked me if I was on the VPhantom list. I'm excited to be on it! See you in #phantom!!
How did you find my page: linkWed, 20 Nov 1996 04:55:22
Name:Kre-Rune Mossing
Email: kaare-rm@online.no
Country: Norway
Comment: Thanks for the information on Kiri I needed it in my radioshow Classic Radio Oslo
How did you find my page: search engineWed, 13 Nov 1996 18:42:02
Name:Gerry Zell
Email: Puccini@erols.com
City: Philadelphia
State: Penna
Country: USA
Comment: My compliments on a job well done!
How Did you find my page: other
Tue, 12 Nov 1996 15:00:49
Name:Christine S.
Email: lotte@ksu.edu
Your Page: http://www.geocities.com/Broadway/3335
City: manhattan
State: KS
Country: US
Comment:Hello Car- THanks for the Tour..Nice page...Christine/Lotte
How Did you find my page: Carlotta told me
Mon, 11 Nov 1996 01:55:45
Name: Veronica Chen
Email: s66724@ms8.hinet.net
State: Taiwan
Country: R.O.C
How Did you find my page: Carlotta told me
Sat, 9 Nov 1996 21:30:38
Name: Simon Lee
Email: simonlee@aicom.com
Your Page: http://www.geocities.com/Colosseum/Field/1118
City: Vancouver
State: British Columbia
Country: Canada
Comment: Not bad!
How Did you find my page: Geocities
![]() |
Just stopped by. Hope you enjoy the Les Miz tapes.Wes Moore (Miv)
UK. Hello! Checking back to see what you've added. It's looking really great. :)Christine
Carlotta- GREAT PAGE! Glad I could help out! All My Best, Sarah USA February 24, 1997Sarah
Thanks For The Info. I Love Phantom!!!!!K.T.
Wonderful, Carmina! Well done, I really enjoy it! (from Mariel on Chatnet) USA, february 26, 1997Heidi-Marie Mason
Hrm-not bad:) England 26.02.97Grantaire
I wish
This is the greatest web page I have ever seen! I mean it! I'm not a close personal friend of the person that manages it or anything! (Hi Bethany!) USA, Feb 28Justin "nonentity" Aclin
truly colourful :)
Keep up the great Work Bethany !
Greetings from Switzerland, 7. March 97regula
no time
Nice page my friend :)Terry McDaniel
3-19-97 This is a great page!!!!!cathy mulhern
Country : The Netherlands
date : March 22
Comments :
We want to tell you that we like
your page a lot!!! It's really great!
We've got our own Page about
The Phantom of the Opera in HOLLAND,
which is the FIRST about the musical
in The Netherlands. It contains sounds,
pictures, background info etc...
We'd like to add you as a Link to our
Page and we want to ask you if you
could link our Page from yours?
If you agree, please send us an e-mail
with a short description of your page...
We'd be most grateful...
Keep up the good work!!!
Bart and Nico
P.S. The address of our Page is :
http://www.worldonline.nl/~oeffeltNico Lustberg
The Phantom of the Opera in Holland
Love, peace and all all all! :)
Some of you do it really fine.
Congratulations.Antonio-Carlos Brotons
Wow, this is fun. Finally some respect for The Divas. Thanks Bethany.Kim Stengel
USA 5/4/97
Saw you advertise this page on the Phantom list and it's great!Kerrin
Apeldoorn, The Netherlands, May 4 1997
Hi Beth,
This page is really great. Keep up the good work. Hope to see you some day,
YmkeYmke Simonis
Gee! I think that it is wonderful that someone else likes Carlotta as much as I do! P.S:If there is a way for me to get Rosemary Ashe's autograph, please let me know!Carlotta Wannabe
I really enjoyed your site about the CarlottasCarlotta (Carla) Bartleman
Somewhere on the road, USA
Terrific page-Nice to read about many of my pals!Kimilee Bryant
What a wonderful page! I think more pages are needed to *celebrate* characters other than Erik. Very unique! @--'-,---Barbara
Carlotta--Great site! Very informative.--Madeleine (The Foyer)Jean Cousins
June 30, US
Hello, Carlotta!! Me again!! I was unable to hear the sound bites, due to the fact that my computer doesn't accept them. I did, however, check out a few of the pics. I like it!!!Brad Riddle
not yet done
Jonathan Gaby
I've been meaning to come here for the longest time and finally got around to it...it's really great!! I even had to bring my mother here because she wouldn't believe me that Carlotta was actually someone's favourite character. But I think she may be convinced now!! :-) It's a really wonderful site!! (Canada, August 4, '97)Stacy
Love Your Page!!!!1
Ryan Dye
Ryan Dye
Hi. love the page! I myself am an Erik lover but Carlotta is 2nd. I love role playing Carlotta. She's great.
USAErika Mayfiar
I just talked to Lyse Guerin a couple of days ago, after the final performance in Vancouver, and she said that her favourite scene in Phantom is Il Muto. She's such a wonderful person - very humorous and outgoing. And she does speak great english! I just loved her in the role! @--'-,--- Canada, September 2nd, 1997Barbara
I like it!Very interesting idea,to build a shrine for the character who's barely loved by Phantom phans,though,I,myself,respect her.And the info on your page is truely gorgeous!
Visit me and get your Le Fantome Guestbook Buttons and Buttons. I also have dogs, cats, tons of animals, sports, flags, political, cartoons and the list goes on. Drop by and help to abolish Guestbook Text.Trevina
Great job Bethany! I feel ready to take a quiz on Carlotta and be successful.Mrs. Bowers
Loved your site! I'll be back!Lorie Wyler
Great page, but you misspelled one of the understudies names. It's Krista Wigle, not Wiggle.Gargoyle
Great page! Lots of info--- the Carlotta I saw in POTO actually had a prettier voice than the Christine. Go figure, eh? ;)Tracy (Mariposas)
I don't see any information on Cheryl Monroe on this page. I don't know much about her, but in a Calgary "Show Boat" playbill, it says that she played Carlotta. Doesn't give a location or dates though.Barbara
I am an anonymous guest.
The Shrine's looking great, Bethany!
Keep up the great work!Danielle Glover (BoxFive)
Well...at least you didn't resort to threats.... ;)Alison "Al =)" Wilgus
This page is great! Carlotta is the best. Divas rule. If anyone knows how to get in touch with Rosemary Ashe, would you e-mail me?
USA December 97Ayah
You've got a kewl page ! Nope, there
are others who also likes the Phantom.
There's one listed in my Banner Machine
List in my site. I like the title
of your page ! Keep up the good work !Morrisdan1
great page(s)Daniel C. Ketcham
Nice Page Stop by My Site!Vay